We can never be 100% certain of what areas will be tested in an R06 exam, but we can already see that the potential list of technical areas for the July 2020 sitting is long. It would be a mistake to under-estimate this exam. Candidates should start their revision NOW!
Often in R06 exams we have seen that Case Study 1 focusses on protection and accumulation needs, whilst Case Study 2 deals with decumulation or business planning. Even after our rapid review this morning, we can see that the case studies are crammed full of technical areas, so this is one sitting where candidates will need to invest a lot of time in the next two weeks getting their approach and technical knowledge to where it needs to be.
…and that’s just after a quick look at the case studies!
We have a number of solutions that may help:
R06 Analysis Questions & Answers
BTS offer an R06 analysis that can be purchased from our website Wednesday 24th June. Priced at £75.00, this contains all the questions and suggested answers that we have produced based on the two July case studies.
Attend a two-day webinar revision workshop
We have added an extra date for the R06 workshop on 29th and 30th June. So, if you are sitting the July exam and have still not registered for a workshop, BTS can still help.
All information can be found here.