Financial Planner Life

Financial Planner Life


In 2021 BTS and Financial Planner Life joined forces to create a series of helpful videos to support CII Diploma candidates navigate the R0 exams.


The Financial Planner Life podcast is a fantastic resource for anyone training to be a financial planner. Hosting regular guests with useful insights to share, the FPL Podcast is an honest account of what it’s really like to work in the sector. 

When BTS first met with FPL host Sam Oakes at the end of 2020, we agreed to record an interview on how to pass the R0 exams for CII R0 candidates starting off on their exam journey. With over 1.3k views, this interview featuring Luiza Todd, one of BTS’ founding Directors, has proven to be one of the most popular FPL video resources.

To help demystify some of the commonly asked questions about studying to become a financial planner, BTS and FPL have since produced a series of videos covering subjects such as:

  • What should candidates know about the PSI remote invigilated CII exams?
  • How to pass CII R0 exams first time
  • What is the best order to complete the CII R0 exams in?
  • How to give yourself the best chance of an R06 exam pass
  • 5 key considerations before selecting your R0 provider
  • How to give yourself the best chance of an R0 pass

What benefits does PFS membership bring?

PFS membership brings a raft of benefits including access to these workshops at a lower, subsidised cost. Members will be invited to CPD events, have access to the PFS online Learning Content Hub and Knowledge Services. In addition, as a PFS member you can enjoy discounts with “Perks” the affinity benefits scheme which offers discounts on products and services; details can be found at

PFS members studying towards a qualification can also apply for a TOTUM PRO student discount card and enjoy additional discounts.

PFS members pay an annual membership fee, currently £80 for anyone studying towards their QCF level 4. These monies are recouped after two R0 exam are sat, as members pay reduced fees for CII exams.

So, PFS membership brings many benefits including discounts on CII materials and exam fees.

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Why you can trust Bespoke Training Solutions to further your success…

BTS are ‘The Exam Experts’ for the CII papers. We specialise in supporting individuals through the CII Diploma in Financial Planning, more commonly known as the R0 exams. 

We also support some of the advanced papers, known as the AF exams. With 20 years’ experience, our unique STEP approach has helped thousands of trainee advisers, paraplanners, administrators and managers achieve a first-time exam pass.

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