Frequently Asked Questions

All digital courses enrolled from 1st August 2024 can be accessed via the new My Learning button. This will take you over to your new look My Learning Dashboard on our new learning platform. You will find all your enrolled courses (study guides, e-Learning and workshop materials) ready to use.

If you were enrolled on a course before 1st August 2024, you will find these are also accessible via the new My Learning button as your existing enrolments have been migrated over to the new platform. Head over to your new My Learning Dashboard to take a look! Exam scores from exams completed on the old platform have not been migrated to the new platform but can still be viewed on our legacy learning platform.

If you would prefer to remain on the old platform whilst you finish your study using courses that you enrolled onto prior to the 1st August 2024, you can click over to the legacy My Courses area. This link will remain available up to 30th November, after which you will need to access your enrolled courses via the new My Learning button.

Please note: Course progress data completed on the legacy platform after 1st August 2024 will not be migrated onto the new platform. The legacy learning platform will be accessible up to 30th November 2024. After this date, legacy data will no longer be available to view. We recommend you start to use the new My Learning platform to access your digital materials and start recording progress data as soon as possible.

We’ve given our digital learning platform a bit of a revamp. The content of the learning materials is the same as before but the way you access the materials and the look-and-feel of the learning platform has changed.

We hope the changes will make your learning materials easier to navigate!

Our digital study materials were first launched in 2019, since then we have expanded the catalogue of units and qualifications that we support to include CII level 3, level 4 and level 6. With this ever-growing catalogue of materials, we felt it was time to develop our own in-house learning platform to ensure consistency of user experience across all parts of the BTS products and services.

We hope you will agree that the new learning platform looks and feels so much more ‘BTS’!

For our corporate clients, the new platform offers a streamlined Digital Academy experience, with the ability to manage groups of learners via a brand-new Admin Dashboard.

Progress data for fully completed chapters has been migrated to the new platform. Any chapters that were partially complete on the previous platform will be recorded as incomplete on the new platform until you begin to study on the new platform.

Exam scores from exams completed on the old platform have not been migrated to the new platform but can still be viewed on our legacy learning platform.

The legacy learning platform will be accessible up to 30th November 2024. After this date, legacy data will no longer be available to view.

Whilst we are confident that you will love the new platform, if you don’t want to deal with a system change at a mid-point in your study of a unit, you can still access any courses enrolled before 1st August 2024 on the previous platform up to 30th November 2024.

To access the legacy platform, follow this link to the legacy My Courses area. This link will remain available up to 30th November, after which you will need to access your enrolled courses via the new My Learning button.

Please note: Course progress data and exam scores completed on the old platform after 1st August 2024 will not be migrated onto the new platform so we recommend you start to use the new My Learning platform to access your digital materials as soon as possible.

As with any change, you may need time to familiarise yourself with the new My Learning platform. We have tried to make this change as smooth as possible, but if you do have any difficulty finding what you are looking for, please get in touch and a member of the team will be happy to support you.