R03 webinars
CATEGORY: R03 Personal Taxation

R03 2022-2023 Touchpoint Webinars

Course Access: 120 days access
Course Overview

Welcome to the R03 2022-2023 Touchpoint webinars.  These 5 sets of slides are used in the Bespoke Training Solutions (BTS) R03 webinars and give a taster of the types of questions that are within the Chartered Insurance Institute’s (CII) R03 bank.

Each webinar covers the following learning outcomes:

Webinar 1:
Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions

Webinar 2:
Capital Gains Tax and Direct & Indirect Investments

Webinar 3:
Inheritance Tax, Residence & Domicile

Webinar 4:
Indirect Taxes, Corporation Tax, Compliance and Self Assessment

Webinar 5:

Please Note:  These materials are designed to be as used alongside attendance at the live webinars. To get the most out of the learning experience they should not be accessed/viewed in advance.  Working through them ‘live’ whilst on the webinar is the most effective way to support your exam preparation.


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